Local History

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Local History Collection

History does not just happen ‘out there’, it begins at home, in your street and in your neighbourhood. Your stories are our history!

Local History is a specialised research collection within Cessnock Library which collects, arranges, describes and makes available records relating to the history of the Cessnock Local Government Area.

The Local History Collection contains original records documenting the lives of local people, organisations and community groups. It holds material in every format. This includes paper documents, official files, photographs, maps and plans, objects, images and graphics, art works, oral histories and audio-visual.

A dedicated local history display case in the library foyer showcases material from our wonderful collection. Keep an eye out as it changes regularly!

We provide a free professional research service, using our extensive collection, our expertise and the resources of collections across Australia.



The Local History Collection is actively collecting original records of every kind which relate to the Cessnock Local Government Area.

We welcome donations of material in every format, including photographs, paper documents, audio visual records, maps and objects. These materials are invaluable in documenting the lives of local people, the histories of local organisations and social and cultural groups of every kind.

Some of the great donations we have received are:

  • Knipes cordial bottles
  • Black Diamond magazines
  • World War II ration coupons
  • Files on local work relief schemes during the Great Depression
  • Rare colliery maps
  • Photographs of St John's Anglican Church tennis club

Contact: Local Studies Librarian

Phone: (02)49934383

Email: kimberly.osullivan@cessnock.nsw.gov.au