- Discover how to build a relationship with a Search Engine.
- Learn how to make your website attractive to Google and improve your page ranking
- Learn what SEO is and whit it's important.
- Think about your SEO goals.
- Discover the keywords your customers will use to find you.
- Find out how Google sees images
- Learn about links, SSL certificates
- Find out about mobile first websites
We will explain everything in plain English to help you really understand how Google can help your business or community group be found.
Presented by Kimberlie Clare-Campbell - Digital Business Advisor with the Hunter Region Business Hub.
Geek speak free webinar! We will explain everything in plain English to help you really understand the digital solutions available for your business.
You must have a current ABN, registered in the NSW or ACT and have less than 20 employees to qualify for this workshop.
Brought to you by
Australian Small Business Advisory Services (ASBAS) Digital Solutions
ASBAS Digital Solutions is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Jobs and Small Business and managed by the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Innovation and Science. Small businesses around Australia now have access to individual support to grow their digital capabilities through Australian Small Business Advisory Services (ASBAS) Digital Solutions. ASBAS Digital Solutions offers small businesses low cost, high quality advice on a range of digital solutions to meet their business needs.
Online Event
To make it safe and easy for you to participate we are holding this workshop online via Zoom. You will need to install Zoom on your computer to join the workshop. If you need help with setting up Zoom please email digital@huntervalleyhub.com.au or call the Hub on (02) 4936 2557 at least 3 days before the workshop and we can help you set it up.