Free Caravan Workshops for Residents


Own your own caravan but have questions about weight? Wanting to buy your dream van but haven't much experience with towing? Tow a van and have some questions about loading?

Cessnock City Council with the support of Transport for NSW will be hosting two workshops on safe caravan towing where you can ask these questions and get the answers from the experts at Get About Training -  Tow-Ed .

These interactive 2 hour workshops provide information and demonstrations to support the safe loading and towing of caravans and trailers.

Councils Road Safety Officer Alison Shelton said ‘The experts from Tow-Ed will be able to answer your questions such as What is the GCM? Is the towing capacity of my vehicle able to support my caravan? What are the rules for putting bicycles on the back of my van? How do I know if my van is loaded safely?’’

‘It’s important to make sure you know how to load and weigh your caravan, and drive safely whilst towing.  Overloaded and overweight vans can affect your insurance cover so this is an opportunity to check you are safe on the roads before you head out on your next adventure.’ Said Ms Shelton

These FREE workshops will be held at Cessnock PCYC on Tuesday 14 March 2023, with morning and afternoon sessions available. Spaces are limited and bookings are essential. 

You can reserve your place at one of the two workshops by registering online at  The link will also be available on Councils website.

If you would like any further information or do not have access to the online registration please contact Councils Road Safety Officer on 4993 4100.



  • Tuesday, 14 March 2023 | 09:30 PM
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