Expert Series - Digital Law & your online business


Discover the legal requirements every website owner needs to know.

Moving your business online is essential, but when it comes to the law small business owners are often unaware of their rights and obligations. Our guest expert for June, Vania Holt, founder of Vania Holt Legal is on a mission to help small and micro business owners understand how the law affects their business.

During our session Vania will explain online laws that are essential to you in a way that you understand and can apply yourself.

What will be covered?

  • What are the essential business legal documents you must have on your website.

  • If you can copy other businesses legal documents and use them?

  • What is a returns policy?

  • How to handle unhappy customers.

  • What are SPAM laws?

Presented by Kimberlie Clare-Campbell - Digital Business Advisor, Hunter Region Business Hub and Vania Holt - Vania Holt Legal.

Geek speak free workshop! We will explain everything in plain English to help you really understand what legal documents you need for your business.

You must have a current ABN and less than 20 employees based in the Hunter Valley and Central Coasts of NSW to qualify for this workshop..

This workshop is proudly brought to you by Hunter Region Business Hub Australian Small Business Advisory Service's Digital Solutions Program.

This is an online event.  To make it safe and easy for you to participate we are holding this workshop online via Zoom. You will need to install Zoom on your computer to join the workshop. If you need help with setting up Zoom please email or call the Hub on (02) 4936 2557 at least 3 days before the workshop and we can help you set it up.


  • Thursday, 17 June 2021 | 12:00 PM


Online, Kurri Kurri, 2327

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