Yellow bin

We're big on recycling in the Cessnock Local Government Area.

Your recycling bin has a yellow lid and is emptied fortnightly on the alternate week to your garden organics bin. The recycling service is contracted to Hunter Resource Recovery (HRR).

Find my next recycling collection date

What to put in your recycling bin

DO put these items in your recycling bin

  • Paper and cardboard such as newspapers, glossy magazines, books, envelopes, telephone books, empty pizza boxes and long life juice and milk containers 
  • Glass bottles and jars
  • Steel and aluminum tins and cans such as aerosol spray cans, pet food cans, food tins, drink cans, clean aluminium foil and trays, as well as steel and aluminium pots and pans and empty dried paint tins
  • All rigid plastic liquid and food containers such as fruit punnets, biscuit trays, empty ice cream containers, shampoo and conditioner bottles, empty takeaway containers, margarine tubs, as well as deodorant bottles, small garden plant pots, disposable plastic cutlery and crockery, tupperware and CD cases (without the CDs).

For a detailed list of what can go in your recycling bin visit recycleright or see the sticker inside your recycling bin lid.

DON'T put these items in your recycling bin

  • Plastic bags, cling wrap, chip packets, bubble wrap and any other "scrunchy" plastic packaging (these items can be recycled through the REDcycle program at participating supermarkets)
  • Foam and polystyrene
  • Drinking glassware (glass cups, wine glasses etc)
  • Crockery or pyrex
  • Light globes
  • Videos and cassette tapes
  • Motor oil containers
  • Timber building waste
  • Gas cylinders
  • Liquid wastes such as, chemicals, paints, and oils
  • Batteries, explosive, flammable, corrosive, toxic or radioactive wastes, pharmaceutical, clinical and sharps wastes
  • Tyres
  • Window glass and mirrors

Click here to find out how to recycle items not accepted in your recycling bin.

How to ensure your recycling bin is collected

  • Leave your bin on the kerb for collection by 5.30am.
  • Place your bin at the kerbside at least one metre away from your garbage bin or other obstructions.
  • Ensure your bin lid is closed.
  • Avoid overloading your bin, the maximum weight of your recycling bin should not exceed 80 kilograms for either the standard 240 litre bin or upsized 360 litre bin.
  • Put recyclables loosely in the bin – not in plastic bags.
  • Containers must be free of food and liquid but rinsing is not required.
  • Remove plastic bags from cereal boxes.
  • Remove lids and caps and place these separately in your recycling bin.
  • Crush all bulky items to make more space.

Return & Earn

The Return and Earn container deposit scheme allows consumers to return containers at several locations across the LGA, in exchange for a 10 cent refund per container. A full list of items and locations can be found here.

What if my bin is missed or damaged?

Please contact Hunter Resource Recovery to report any issues with your bin or service:


Can I upsize my recycling bin?

You can swap your existing 240 litre recycling bin to a larger 360 litre bin for a one-off $26 fee by completing an upsize recycle bin application form.

Your recycling bin will be swapped on your regular recycling day. Please leave your recycling bin on the kerb until 5pm so it can be emptied and swapped over. It may take up to eight weeks after your application is received for your bin to be swapped.

The 240 litre recycling bin is 68cm wide and 85cm deep at the top (it tapers at the base) and 1.1 metres high. By comparison, the 360 litre recycling bin is 10cm wider, 12cm deeper and 4cm taller than the standard 240 litre recycling bin. A sample 360 litre bin is on display in the foyer of Council's Administration Building for those wishing to view before swapping.

Note: the weight limit of the 360 litre bin is 80 kilograms (same as the standard 240 litre bin). This limit doesn't cause an issue unless it's filled with large amounts of glass or paper. 

Can I get an additional recycling bin?

You can arrange an extra 240 or 360 litre recycling service by filling out this form.


What if my recycling bin still has a divider?

Hunter Resource Recovery (HRR) has been progressively removing the divider from recycling bins as it's no longer needed.  If your recycling bin still has a divider please don't attempt to remove the divider yourself, contact HRR directly to arrange on 1800 838 884.

What if I move to a new property?

The recycling bin is the property of the recycling contractor, is individually numbered and must remain at the property when you move. It can't be used as a garbage bin, nor can the lid be changed. To organise a recycling service for your new property, simply contact our customer service team on (02) 4993 4100.

Contamination in your recycling bin

If unacceptable items, or contamination, are placed in your bin, it may not be emptied. All recycling trucks have on-board cameras that allow drivers to identify contamination. If your bin is contaminated the collection driver will place a sticker on the bin to advise why the bin was not emptied. The bin will only be emptied once the contaminant has been removed. If your bin is stickered again for non-conformance, your recycling service may be suspended.

Other recyclables

If you have an item that isn't accepted in the recycling bin, please consider reusing it or donating it where appropriate.

Please see the Waste and Recycling Directory here.(PDF, 190KB)