
Licensed riders 

Licensed riders can ride registered motorbikes on the road, in designated areas of State Forest, on licensed motocross tracks and their own private property.

Unlicensed riders

Unlicensed riders with unregistered bikes can ride on private property and licensed motocross tracks, but NOT on public bushland, parks, picnic or camping areas, forest tracks or on any road or footpath.

The law prohibits the use of unregistered and uninsured motor vehicles on roads and public open space. Penalties apply for offenders. Unlicensed and dangerous riding attract severe penalties. 

Riding in State Forest

You must be a licensed rider on a registered bike to ride in designated areas of State Forest:

  • Always stay on track – don't ride off-road or on closed roads. Making a new track is illegal as it damages the environment.
  • Take all your rubbish with you.
  • Be safety conscious – wear protective equipment, take basic tools and notify someone where you're going and expected time home.

NSW Police regularly patrol and will issue infringements for riders breaking the law.

Riding on a private property

  • Respect your neighbours regarding both noise and dust.
  • You cannot conduct any earthworks of more than 300mm without Council approval.
  • Members of the public aren't allowed to ride their bikes on your property.

Riding on licensed motocross tracks

To use motocross tracks, join one of the clubs in the Cessnock LGA:

Motorcycling in the Hunter

The Hunter Region is home to some of the most popular motorcycling routes in the State. Check out the Motorcycling in the Hunter brochure(PDF, 5MB) jointly developed by Port Stephens, Maitland, Cessnock, MidCoast and Dungog Councils to showcase some of the Hunter’s best motorcycling routes.