Hooning and dangerous driving


Speeding remains the biggest killer on our roads and is responsible for up to 40 percent of road deaths in NSW.  About 177 people die in speed-related crashes each year in NSW. 

Road safety is considered throughout the planning, design, construction, maintenance, operation and auditing of our road network. 

Cessnock City Council works closely with Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and the NSW Police Force to address local road issues and ensure that speed limits are:

  • appropriate for the type of road and road users
  • adequately balancing safety considerations with the needs of motorists 

TfNSW is responsible for setting speed limits on all NSW roads (state, regional and local roads). 

Comments, concerns or feedback on speed limits must be addressed to TfNSW:
Phone: 13 22 13

Speed limits are set and assessed in accordance with the NSW Speed Zoning Standard.

Hooning and dangerous driving

Hooning includes a number of road offences, such as driving a vehicle in a reckless or dangerous way or without reasonable consideration for other people. Street racing, doing burnouts or doughnuts, making tyres screech, and creating unnecessary smoke or noise are examples of hooning.

Hooning and street racing are dangerous practices, with risks of injury or death to the vehicle occupants and other road users. It can also damage property and road surfaces.

Report speeding and dangerous driving 

The appropriate agency to deal with the enforcement of speed limits, hooning and dangerous driving is NSW Police.

Police officers have the authority, training and equipment to stop, seize or impound offending vehicles and address driver behaviour. They can prosecute parents who allow their children to drive or ride a motor vehicle on the road.

Police rely on information from the public to make our streets safer.

If you witness reckless driving, we encourage you to report it by calling the Police Assistance Line on 131 444

Dial 000 in case of emergency.