Planning an event

You must obtain approval for activities that will affect the normal movement of people and vehicles on the road.

From a traffic management perspective, events are classified from major event (class 1) to minor events, requiring only Police approval (class 4).

The nature and class of your event will determine the consents, permits or licences you must obtain. 

Contact Council before lodging an application

The first step is to contact us to discuss your event. We’ll provide guidance on:

  • your event class 
  • information you need to prepare in support of your application
  • approvals you need to obtain, including from other authorities

The Guide to Traffic and Transport Management for Special Events provides helpful information on the traffic management planning for special events.

Be aware of timeframes

You should lodge your application well in advance:

  • at least six months before your event if a DA is required
  • at least four months before your event if a DA isn't required

Some applications may need to be determined at a Council meeting or Local Traffic Committee meeting, which may change the assessment time.

This period allows time to obtain approvals from other agencies or to make the arrangements required to meet the approval conditions set by Council.

It would also provide you with enough time to make alternative arrangements should your application be rejected.

Be aware of fees

Fees apply for Road Event and Activities Temporary Road Closure(PDF, 62KB) applications. Fees are calculated in accordance with Council’s Fees and Charges(PDF, 2MB) and are payable on lodgement.

Documentation may be required to support your application. There are fees associated with the preparation of a risk assessment, traffic management plan and traffic guidance scheme by an accredited consultant.

Events may also require the installation of special signage, cones or barriers or require the presence of police. User Pays Policing Services may apply.

Consent from Council

If more than 500 people are expected to be involved in your event or activity, you need to lodge a development application (DA) before lodging Road Event and Activities Temporary Road Closure application. If less than 500 people are expected, whilst a DA is not required to be lodged, you may still require other approvals.

A DA should be lodged with Council at least six (6) months before the event to allow assessment and determination to occur.

Early consultation with NSW Police, RMS, the NSW Ambulance and other relevant emergency services is essential in the preparation of a DA.

An event that's conducted entirely under NSW Police control (class 4) doesn't require Council consent. Council must however be notified in writing. We may be aware of other activities using the same road space and need to know your plans to adequately maintain public safety.

Consent from other authorities

You may need consent from other authorities before we can issue approval.

Roads and Maritime Services (RMS)

Events that are likely to impact traffic on state or regional roads (classified roads) require a Road Occupancy Licence (ROL) from RMS before Council can issue approval.

Locals roads are under the administration of Council and don't require a ROL.

Find out if your event will take place on a state, regional or local road

NSW Police

Notice of Intention to Hold a Public Assembly, must be lodged to the local Police Station before we can issue approval for events where people will gather on a road or on a road related area such as a car park.

An event that's conducted entirely under NSW Police control (class 4) doesn't require Council consent. However an Approval to Conduct Event must be obtained from the NSW Police. 

An Approval to Conduct Event is also required by the NSW Police for events using a road or a road related area for competition, racing, time trials, driver trials or vehicle handling. 

Supporting documentation

Your application should be supported by a traffic management plan and risk assessment, traffic guidance scheme and public liability insurance certificate of currency. 

Traffic Management Plan

 Your Traffic Management Plan should include:

  • site identification or diagram detailing the event location, size of tables, displays or kiosks, space for pedestrians, access to properties, and encroachments into parking and traffic lanes
  • risk assessment

The Traffic Management Plan and its risk assessment must be prepared by an accredited consultant.

Traffic Guidance Scheme

  • detail all signage, delineation and pavement markings
  • detail all other ancillary devices required to manage the safe passage of road users

The Traffic Guidance Scheme must be prepared by an accredited consultant in accordance with the Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management, TfNSW Traffic control at work sites (TCAWS) Technical Manual, and Australian Standard 1742.3 Traffic Control for Works on Roads.

Public Liability Insurance

A certificate of currency for Public Liability Insurance is required and must include:

  • cover to the value of $20 million for any one event (unless RMS requires a higher value)
  • notation of the location of the risk
  • the intended period of the event
  • Council is listed as an “Interested Party” in the event

Application form

You will need to apply for consent using the Road Events and Activities Temporary Road Closure Application Form for the following activities: 

Temporary Activity

  • for festival, procession of entertainment
  • parade or march
  • use of mobile facilities
  • cycle race or run

Street vending

A Street vending activity involves the selling of articles on public roads and public places, either directly, or from a stall or from a standing vehicle. Street vending activities include:

  • street stalls
  • markets
  • selling raffle tickets
  • activities for advertising


Where we agree to support an event, a Schedule of Conditions is issued. It outlines the requirements you must comply with prior to, during, and at the conclusion of your event.

Events must also conform with all relevant Council or legislative requirements, such as the Food Standards Code legislation, the Local Government Regulation 2005 (NSW) and the Roads Act 1993.

Advertising and public notification

Council is required to provide notice of any application for an event requiring the temporary regulation of traffic. It's advertised for comment in the local press. 

The applicant is responsible for providing notification to public transport, public utility, emergency services authorities and to all residents or businesses deemed affected.

Police controlled event advertising is determined by the NSW Police.