Cessnock West Public School

Cessnock West Public School is committed to creating a caring environment which nurtures students towards a lifelong love of learning. It is our mission "to provide a supportive environment in which each individual, student or staff, can realise their full potential".

Students and staff at Cessnock West Public School identify with the following values:

  • students strive to achieve their best;
  • students demonstrate respect for self, peers, teachers, the school, visitors and parents;
  • students show respect for their own and other students' property and the property of the school;
  • honesty, courtesy, kindness and politeness are highly encouraged; pride of self, school and country is encouraged; and
  • classes and playground are safe places where students feel happy and secure.


Cessnock West Public School,  Cnr Wollombi Rd & Campbell St,   2325  View Map

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