Wesley Mission - Care Finder

A Wesley Mission care finder can help to support vulnerable older people who would not be able to arrange services without intensive support. 

Care finder services are provided at no cost as they are fully funded through the Primary Health Network. They specifically help vulnerable older Australian's who need access to aged care and other community supports.

To receive care finder support, a person must:

  • have no carer or support person who can help them, or
  • not have a carer of support person they feel comfortable or trust to support them, and
  • be eligible for government-funded aged care.

In addition, they should have one or more of these reasons for needing intensive support: 

  • have difficulty communicating because of language or literacy problems
  • find it difficult to understand information and make decisions 
  • be reluctant to engage with aged care or government
  • be in an unsafe situation if they do not receive services.