H.O.P.E Support Group Inc
H.O.P.E Support Group Inc. has been set up to support those grieving the loss of a child, whether they are the parents, family members or friends, all are welcome.
H.O.P.E began in August of 2007 and was founded by two mothers who met on their journey of loss after losing their sons.
The philosophy of H.O.P.E is 'In helping others we help ourselves'.
It is a group of mutual encouragement and support. H.O.P.E offers a forum in which people who share common concerns can encourage one another by discussing the problems they individually have encountered and the solutions other members have found for those problems. If nothing else, we are often strengthened simply by knowing we are not alone, others have faced, and have successfully handled, problems similar to our own. Further, good information and advice can often result from the mutual sharing.
The co-founders are passionate about this cause as they are living through this experience and realize through their own struggles that help and support is needed by all involved in the loss of a child. This loss is far greater than that of any other as it is not the natural order of things. H.O.P.E want's to ensure that no parent, family member or friend of the bereaved feel alone on this journey.