Freemasons Cessnock


Freemasons Cessnock is a fraternal society of men who support local community groups through charitable fund raising and community projects that assist the welfare, health and well-being of others, in particular our youth.

Freemasonry is strictly non religious and non political.                                                                                                                                                                        We are similar to many service clubs in the community, but with a subtle difference.  Freemasons Cessnock assists its members to be confident in public speaking, leadership and discipline, and mindful of charity, understanding, community spirit and the needs of others.

Freemasonry has always stood for fairness, tolerance, non-discrimination, inclusiveness, self-improvement, giving to others and supporting the less fortunate in society.  Freemasons act in a way that is honest, ethical, law-abiding and sets a good example.

As a group we are members of Lodge Cessnock 252 and part of the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. 

Lodge Cessnock is strictly non religious and non political and keeps to a strict boundary of honesty, integrity and morality that has been handed down over the ages.

We meet monthly at Freemasons Hall, (Cessnock Masonic Centre), 8 Cumberland Street Cessnock on the first Thursday of each month, except January.



Freemasons Hall Cessnock - Cessnock Masonic Centre,  8 Cumberland Street,  Cessnock 2325  View Map

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