Family Planning NSW


Family Planning NSW is the state's leading provider of reproductive and sexual health services.

We are experts on reproductive and sexual health and provide clinical services and health information to people throughout NSW.

We provide reproductive & sexual health services for women and men of all ages, including:

  • contraception

  • sexually transmissible infections - testing & treatment

  • sexual function & dysfunction

  • pregnancy - planning, testing & postnatal checks

  • pregnancy options counselling

  • cervical cancer screening

  • management of menstrual & gynaecological issues

  • menopause information and management

We are an independent, not for profit organisation responsible to a voluntary board of directors and we rely on government funding, donations and self-generated income to provide our services. Our government funding comes from the Federal and NSW governments, as well as Local Health Districts.

Call us on 1300 658 886 Monday to Friday, 8:00am-8:00pm

or email us on



Family Planning NSW,  Ground Floor, 384 Hunter Street,  Neath 2300  View Map

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