Country Women's Association Cessnock Evening Branch
The aims of the CWA of NSW are:
(a) To bring all women and families together and form a network of support.
(b) To provide a forum for the voice of all women in New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory.
(c) To improve conditions and welfare of all women and families especially in country areas.
We meet on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 7pm.
1st being a general meeting and the 3rd being a craft meeting.
Executive Team
Rhonda Partridge, President, 0432 579 970,
Rhonda Porter, Treasurer, 0407 443 153,
Jennifer Short, Secretary, 0405 530 193,
CWA Rooms,
161 Vincent Street,
Cessnock 2325
View Map
161 Vincent Street ,
Cessnock 2325
CWA Rooms
161 Vincent Street ,
Cessnock 2325
Country Women's Association Cessnock Evening Branch