Residential upright kerb and gutter

Upright-Kerb-_-1.pngConstruction View


Upright-Kerb-_-2.pngCompleted View



Important considerations

Utility Covers

  • Driveways with utilities like telecom pits, hydrants, or stop valves require trafficable lids/covers.
  • These covers are supplied by the relevant authority and are designed for safety and durability under vehicle loads.

Modifications to In-ground Utility Services

  • Any adjustments to in-ground utility services (e.g., height changes, relocations, or cover replacements) must be approved by the relevant authority before work begins.

Removing Footpaths for Crossovers

  • Pedestrian footpaths are not designed to handle traffic loads and must be removed when installing a crossover.
  • The new crossover must include a designated pedestrian section, marked by 30mm deep wet saw cut joints aligned with the existing footpath.
  • To ensure a strong connection between the footpath and crossover, use N12 galvanized steel dowels with AbleFLEX placed between them (as shown in label #4 in the illustration above).