Make a submission on a DA

In some cases, Cessnock City Council is required to notify the general public or nearby property owners of a proposed development. 

You may support or object to a development if you are of the opinion that it might affect you.

Before you make a submission

Submission requirements

Your submission must outline the reasons why you support or object to the application. The reasons you provide will be carefully considered during assessment of the application. Do not make offensive or defamatory comments.

Group petitions can be submitted, but will not be considered as a submission and will be treated separately. If a petition is submitted, the person who submits it will be the designated point of contact for all future correspondence.

All submissions must be received by close of business on the last day of the exhibition period, unless otherwise stated. Late submissions are not considered by Council.

Lodging a submission

Once the exhibition period has ended, you will receive a submission confirmation. Council will not answer questions you may have included in your submission, but will consider the matters raised as part of the assessment process.

You will also be notified of the outcome of the application once it is determined. If the application is amended, it may be re-exhibited (at our discretion).