Support Local in August: Win a $500 Art Voucher

Published on 31 July 2023

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Have you attended an art or weaving workshop and made something remarkable? Or perhaps you've come across exceptional local Indigenous art, crafts or condiments that deserve recognition?

Cessnock City Council is giving local residents the opportunity to showcase their creations or purchases of Indigenous products, giving the chance to win a $500 Art voucher at Memo Art, as part of the August ‘Support Local’ competition.

Cessnock City Mayor Jay Suvaal said this month the Support Local campaign is aiming to emphasise the significance of locals supporting locals, while supporting local artists, artisans, and Indigenous entrepreneurs.

"The spirit of collaboration strengthens our community and showcases the many great places within our region where you can create or purchase Indigenous products,” Clr Suvaal said.

"Council aims to foster an inclusive environment that supports creative arts and Indigenous businesses in our LGA.

"We believe that embracing and celebrating our diverse community and talents is crucial for our region's growth and prosperity."

Council invites all residents of the Cessnock LGA to share their stories and experiences of creating or purchasing Indigenous products within our community.

To enter the competition, simply share what Indigenous product you have made or bought in the local area via Facebook. Include the hashtag #supportlocalcessnock within your comments or posts to make your entry count.

The competition closes 31 August, with winners announced on the Advance Greater Cessnock website and via their social media channels.