Library Laneway Project for Ongoing CBD Revitalisation
Published on 02 May 2023
Cessnock City Council is demonstrating its commitment to the ongoing revitalisation of the Cessnock CBD with works commencing on the Cessnock Library Laneway project on 8 May. The project is part of the CBD laneway revitalisation program which aims to enhance the social experience of the streetscape through creative design while enabling safe pedestrian accessibility.
The Cessnock Library Laneway project will provide pedestrian connectivity between the shops in Vincent Street and Charlton Street, as well as adjoining carpark and shopping complexes. It will also offer a pedestrian connection to the Charlton Street entrance of the Cessnock Library.
Cessnock City Council Mayor Jay Suvaal said the project incorporates a series of landscape works to enhance the amenity and visual attractiveness of the Library Laneway and contribute to the ongoing revitalisation of the Cessnock CBD.
"The objective of the Cessnock Library laneway landscape works is to contribute to the vitality of the Cessnock CBD streetscape,” Clr Suvaal said.
“This project incorporates the installation of steel portal frames to support overhead lighting, art display cabinets, seating, a garden bed, surface treatment of pavers and coloured concrete, and painting of adjacent walls.
“This project is part of Council's ongoing commitment to the revitalisation of the Cessnock CBD and the implementation of our 'mines and wines' theme for the Cessnock LGA.”
The vision for ongoing revitalisation of the Cessnock CBD is documented in the 'Cessnock Commercial Precinct Public Domain Plan & Implementation Plan', adopted by Council in September 2017, and includes recommendations for consistent landscape themes, furnishings and paver style and colours.
The Cessnock Library Laneway project is the third laneway in the CBD laneway revitalisation program, which aims to contribute to the vitality of the Cessnock CBD streetscape and enhance the social experience of the area.