Kurri Kurri Town Centre & Col Brown Rotary Park Upgrades Complete

Published on 16 July 2024

Clayton Barr, Bob Pysent, Jay Suvaal, Meryl Swanson, Mitchell Hill.jpg

The Australian and New South Wales governments continue to partner with local governments across the state to deliver high-priority local road infrastructure – with the completion of upgrades to Kurri Kurri Town Centre and Col Brown Rotary Park.

The work comprised two transformative projects, unveiling a vibrant new city centre for Kurri Kurri.

The city centre development included the upgrade of the commercial centre public domain, landscaping, footpaths and paving, pedestrian crossings, street furniture, lighting, line marking, street tree planting and signage.

The multi-million-dollar project was supported by $800,000 from the Australian Government under the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, more than $3.6 million from the NSW Government and almost $3 million from Cessnock City Council.

Along with Council contributions, the Col Brown Rotary Park upgrades were made possible thanks to nearly $1.33m in grant funds from the NSW Government across two rounds.

This included development of a public transport hub with shelter and lighting, upgrades to public amenities, landscaping, and new paving and footpaths.

For more information, visit the project page here.

Quotes attributable to Federal Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories, the Hon Kristy McBain MP:

"It’s fantastic to see work complete on Kurri Kurri Town Centre upgrade, with this just one of many projects with which we’re partnering with Cessnock City Council, as part of almost $7.2 million in LRCI funding from the Australian Government.

"This project is a great example of the Australian Government working in partnership to deliver Australian communities the infrastructure and facilities they deserve."

Quotes attributable to Federal Member for Paterson, Meryl Swanson MP:

"The Albanese Government has delivered another great project for our state thanks to funding from the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.

"It was wonderful to see our great community come together to advocate for the Kurri Kurri Town Centre upgrade, which will stimulate the local economy through job creation and deliver community benefits for years to come."

Quotes attributable to State Minister for Regional NSW, the Hon Tara Moriarty MLC:

"The upgrades to the town centre and Col Brown Rotary Park will be a great boost for the Kurri Kurri local community and tourists visiting the area.

"The town centre and recreation space improvements will ensure the Kurri Kurri CBD area is an accessible and safe space for the community members who visit, work or shop in the area.

"The NSW Government is committed to investment in local infrastructure upgrades that boost community wellbeing and growing communities in regional NSW."

Quotes attributable to Mayor of Cessnock, Clr Jay Suvaal:

"As Kurri Kurri enters a period of renewal and growth, it’s exciting to see this evolution reflected in the successful delivery of this major construction project and new Kurri Kurri town centre.

"These fantastic upgrades deliver a rejuvenated and attractive hub for local businesses and residents, and reflect the council’s overarching vision to set a strong foundation for the vibrant future of this growing community."

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