Council maintaining essential services
Published on 26 March 2020
The safety of community and staff remains a priority for Cessnock City Council in relation to COVID-19 (novel coronavirus). Council is continuing to follow all relevant advice from Federal and State Health Departments. As the situation continues to change, Council will monitor and respond to any potential impacts on services provided by Council.
At this point in time the Cessnock Waste Management Centre (CWMC) remains open to the public. All staff on site at the CWMC have been provided with the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) needed to safely carry out daily operations.
However, in order to practice effective social distancing – maintaining a distance of 1.5 metres – staff may not be able to assist customers with the removal of materials once they are on site.
The CWMC has electronic payment systems on site, and contactless payment for any services is strongly encouraged where possible.
Members of the community shouldn’t visit a Council facility if feeling unwell, have returned from overseas in the past 14 days or have been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19. When visiting a Council facility social distancing should be practiced at all times.
Council’s General Manager, Lotta Jackson said the focus is on maintaining services for the community while not jeopardising public health and safety.
“We are continually having to respond to this rapidly changing crisis. Council staff are meeting daily to discuss the latest developments, which allows for us to respond quickly where required.”
“For example, minimising face-to-face contact has meant closing Council’s Administration Building to the public for now. However our Customer Service Team can still be contacted via phone or email, and information may be accessed via Council’s website.”