The Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) (Act), and other relevant legislation, authorises the elected Council to undertake a range of functions, and confers a large volume of powers to perform duties imposed upon Council. Section 377 of the Act allows the elected Council to delegate, by way of a Council resolution, authority to the General Manager to make most of the decisions and perform most of the functions required for Council to operate on a day-to-day basis.
Current delegations and authorisations assigned by the elected Council are:
In turn, Council's General Manager sub-delegates functions, powers and duties to Council positions to facilitate the efficient and effective delivery of Council operations and services.
Council is required to maintain a register that records delegations that may be sub-delegated by the General Manager to staff to undertake the daily operations of Council. This is in accordance with Schedule 1 of the Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2018 (NSW).
Council uses a schedule of delegable functions, prepared by Local Government Legal, which is updated as changes to legislation occur.
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