Council's Committees and Representation

The Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) (Act) is the legislative framework that outlines how Council can exercise its functions in respect to the operation of a wide range of community services and facilities.

Section 377 of the Act provides for certain functions to be delegated to committees, other organisations and persons to perform. It also identifies which functions Council cannot delegate.

The elected Council is responsible for making decisions concerning a vast variety of matters. To assist them with effective decision-making and operations, the elected Council have constituted Advisory Committees and Section 355 Committees.

The General Manager is authorised, through their Instrument of Delegations, to establish and/or manage Groups and Internal Committees whose members consist of Council staff and/or members of the community. The purpose of these groups and committees is to inform the decision-making of the General Manager and in some instances the elected Council, however these committees do not have Councillors as members. At present, the following Groups allow community representatives as members:

  • Seniors Reference Group
  • NAIDOC Week Planning Group
  • Youth Week Planning Group
  • Trails Reference Group

Councillors and staff are also nominated as representatives on externally constituted committees which are wide and ranging in focus and scope. Externally constituted committees do not come under the oversight of Council and are subject to their own individual governance arrangements.

Advisory committees

Our Advisory Committees provide strategic guidance and recommendations to the elected council. They are a key function for enabling public participation in decision making with committee members comprising of representatives from the community, stakeholder groups and Council (including elected Councillors).

On 16 October 2024, the following Advisory Committees were established by the elected Council:

  1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee
  2. Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee*
  3. Council Initiated Awards Committee
  4. Floodplain Risk Management Committee*
  5. Local Traffic Committee*
  6. The Organisational and General Manager's Performance Review Panel*

*Statutory bodies

Statutory advisory bodies are governed by external guidelines which are embedded in their own Charters.  Although the role of such bodies is mainly advisory, they may have authority to perform some additional functions as allowed by their governing legislation.

Section 355 Committees

On 16 October 2024, the elected Council also resolved to delegate the care, control and management of Council’s community and recreation facilities, other Council owned and controlled land, to relevant Section 355 Committees. For a full list of these committees, click here.

How do I become a member of a Council committee or group?

Council will usually advertise, including on this page, when 'Expression of Interest' processes are open for application. In the meantime, you can forward your interest or your queries to