Advertising on Recreation Grounds Policy The objective of this policy is to determine conditions for advertising on recreation grounds. Advertising on Recreation Grounds Policy(PDF, 469KB)
Asset Management Policy The objective of this policy is to guide the strategic management of Council’s assets in order to deliver Councils strategic objectives as stated in the Community Strategic Plan. The policy also guides the development of the Asset Management Strategy and Plans. Asset Management Policy(PDF, 505KB)
Building Line Policy A building line is a regulatory means, as provided by Council, whereby individual properties may be provided with an unbuilt upon space between buildings located on the property and street boundaries or reserves. Building Line Policy(PDF, 480KB)
Bus Shelters Policy This policy applies to the installation of bus shelters within the road reserve by Council, developers, or other entities, throughout the Cessnock LGA. Bus Shelters Policy(PDF, 235KB)
Cemetery Policy This policy outlines the overall principles that underpin how Council manages its cemeteries in order to comply with legislative requirements and provide a dignified and responsive cemetery and memorialisation service to the community. Cemetery Policy(PDF, 512KB)
Cessnock Airport Operational Policy and User Guidelines The Cessnock Airport Operational Policy and User Guidelines have been compiled by Cessnock City Council for the use of all current and future airport users. Cessnock Airport - Operational Policy(PDF, 489KB)Cessnock Airport - Operational User Guidelines(PDF, 385KB)
Climate Change Policy This Policy sets out Council’s position on climate change and provides direction on climate change matters for Council and the Cessnock community. Climate Change Policy(PDF, 202KB)
Code of Conduct (Policy and Procedures) The Model Code of Conduct sets the minimum standards of conduct for council officials. It is prescribed by regulation. Code of Conduct(PDF, 862KB)Code of Conduct Procedures(PDF, 451KB)
Code of Meeting Practice The code contains the rules and regulations on how Council and committee meetings should be conducted and details procedures for matters such as motions, amendments and the general conduct of speeches. Code of Meeting Practice(PDF, 728KB)
Community Sponsorship & Fee Waiver Policy The objective of this policy is to establish a governing framework for the consideration of requests for financial and/or in-kind assistance, by way of sponsorship and/or fee waiving. Community Sponsorship Fee Waiver Policy(PDF, 204KB)