Cessnock LGA Traffic and Transport Strategy

The strategy aims to improve and future proof the City’s transport network, and provide Council and its residents with a vision for transport, both public and private, that improves access to housing, jobs and services.

What is the Cessnock LGA Traffic and Transport Strategy 2023?

The purpose of the Cessnock LGA Traffic and Transport Strategy (CTTS) 2023 is to provide a long term vision that can be used to guide transport related decision making between now and 2041. It identifies a range of actions that Council, the State Government, and other stakeholders need to consider to improve and optimise the transport network for years to come.

The CTTS 2023 has been developed as an update to the existing CTTS which was originally developed in 2018 (CTTS 2018). This update has been required as the existing strategy did not consider, and could not have predicted, the significant population growth, changed work environments, and changed population behaviour that has occurred post COVID-19.

For context, CTTS 2018 forecasted the 2041 population as 69,928 compared to the updated data utilised in CTTS 2023 which forecast 112,419 residents.

 Cessnock City Council Traffic & Transport Strategy(PDF, 6MB)