Formal Lodgement for Roads Act Approvals

Lodgement of consent for works and structures on a Public Road (Section 138) must be made via the NSW Planning Portal, (this includes driveway works). Please see the below steps for more information and help lodging your application.

Step 1: Obtain all required documents

Supporting documentation is required when lodging an application. View the Submission Matrix(PDF, 164KB) to make sure you have everything you need. 

If you require multiple Roads Act approvals, make sure you detail this in your lodgement via the NSW Planning Portal.

Step 2: Lodge your application electronically

You must prepare and submit your Roads Act application on the NSW Planning Portal. Help on how to do this can be found here and here(PDF, 938KB).
If your application is incomplete, you will receive details on what additional information is required via the Planning Portal.
Once your application is complete and accepted for lodgement on the Planning Portal, Council's Customer Service Team will contact you for payment. Your application will not be considered lodged until the application fees have been paid in full.

Step 3: Assessment

Council, being the Road Authority, will be the consent authority for your application.

  1. Once submitted, your application will be allocated to an assessment officer.
  2. You may be requested to provide additional information during the assessment process. Applications are assessed in accordance with the relevant section of the Roads Act 1993 and in accordance with our Engineering Requirements for Development (see Standard Drawings detailed in the Submission Matrix(PDF, 164KB)).

Step 4: Determination

Following complete and proper consideration of your application, a determination will be made. If permission is granted for your project, you will obtain a permit and stamped plans associated with your request via your Planning Portal Case. Your permit will outline any conditions that must be addressed prior, during and upon completion of construction, or prior to use commencing.
If the assessment officer is not in a position to support your proposal, approval will not be granted. If this occurs, the assessment officer will then contact or meet with you to discuss issues and explain Council's position.

Modifying a permit

You may apply to modify your permit, provided that the modified request is within the 12 month expiry period as detailed on your original permit and no inspections have been undertaken. An additional lodgement via the Planning Portal will be required detailing the proposed changes.