Council grants

Visitor Economy Grants and Sponsorship Program 

The visitor economy within the Cessnock Local Government Area (LGA) plays an important role in the employment of local residents and in generating significant economic output for the region. Accommodation and Food Services is our highest employing industry sector (2,589 full time jobs) with Food and Beverage Manufacturing our 7th highest employing industry sector (832 full time jobs).

Visitor data shows that Monday to Thursday visitation is approximately 60% of the visitor numbers received during weekends. Attracting 10% more midweek visitors will result in 35,000 additional annual visitors to the Cessnock LGA, creating $15 million in additional annual output and 103 new jobs.

The annual Visitor Economy Grants and Sponsorship Program is a targeted program aimed at growing the visitor economy in areas where opportunities exist and maximum benefits are achieved. The program also recognises that at certain times of the year accommodation availability is limited and additional activities during these periods may have a negative benefit to the region by reducing customer satisfaction and driving up costs.

Council will financially support projects and events that increase mid-week visitation, increase visitor length of stay and grow jobs within the Cessnock LGA. Applications that seek funding for marketing activities will not be supported, unless to promote an associated event under the same application.

Applications can be made between 1 – 28 February and 1 – 31 August every year via the below online form. Please read the Visitor Economy Grants and Sponsorship Program Guidelines(PDF, 504KB) prior to making your application.  

Community, Sporting and Environment Grant Scheme

Cessnock City Council believes in investing in the community. Each financial year, we make funding available under our Community, Sporting and Environment Grant Scheme to support community, cultural, sporting and environmental projects.

We currently offer five Community, Sporting and Environment Grant Schemes:

Sporting facilities

Grants are offered to local sporting and community groups for projects that aim to improve or refurbish Council owned sporting facilities or purchase of equipment for the long term benefit of the club and Council.

Community facilities

Grants are offered to complete minor capital works and purchase equipment for Council’s community assets in order to improve the utilisation of the facilities by user groups and the general public. The target facilities are Council community halls and buildings.

Community and cultural development

Grants are offered to not-for-profit community, arts and cultural groups to:

  • undertake projects, activities and events that increase opportunities for community participation and improve community well-being
  • undertake projects, activities, events and projects that can demonstrate a benefit to the cultural or artistic development of the wider community
  • undertake improvements to Council owned facilities licenced to, occupied or leased by the group which will contribute to the cultural or artistic use of the facility.

Sustainable Communities - Tidy Towns

Grants are offered to not-for-profit community environmental groups (such as adopted Section 355 Committees of Council, Landcare, etc.) to undertake projects that make ‘on the ground’ improvements to the local environment, encourage community pride and promote a positive community image.

Please look out for media announcements and this webpage to confirm when this round is open or sign up to the Environment and Waste monthly newsletter.


The objectives of the Schools Environment Grants program are:

  • To integrate environmental improvement and school environmental management projects into the school curriculum and lesson plans.
  • To encourage schools to undertake activities which address local environmental issues.
  • To assist schools in protecting and enhancing their natural environment.
  • To encourage student participation in environmental management within their school

The next round of school environment grants will open January 2025.

How to apply 

The Community, Sporting and Environment Grant is now open, and will close 5pm Friday, 21 February 2025, and the Schools Environment Grant will close 5pm Friday, 11 April 2025. 

All relevant forms and documents needed to apply, can be found via this link.

Council will assess applications in line with a preset selection criteria. It is preferred that all projects are completed within a 12 month period.  


Successful applicants are required to complete a Community, Sporting and Environment Grant Acquittal Form on completion of their project. Funds will not be awarded to applicants who have outstanding acquittals for any previously awarded Council grants. 

Need more information?

If you would like to find out more about our grants, please call us and ask to speak to the following Council officers: 

Sporting facilities or community facilities - Recreation and Community Facilities Liaison Officer 
Community and cultural development - Community Development Officer 
Tidy Towns - Sustainability Officer
Schools environment - Sustainability Officer